the true liberty of a pure heart, nor the favor of sweet familiarity with Me, unless they first make an entire resignation and a daily sacrifice of themselves. Without this, no union that bears fruit stands firm nor will stand.
I have very often said to you, and now again I say the same: Deny yourself, and you will enjoy great inward peace. Give all; ask for nothing, require nothing back; abide purely and unhesitatingly in Me, and you will possess Me; you will be free in heart, and darkness will not cover you. Let this be your endeavor, this your prayer, this your desire; that you may be stripped of all selfishness, and naked follow the naked Jesus; may die to self, and live eternally to Me. Then all vain imaginations, evil perturbations, and superfluous cares will cease. Immoderate fear will depart, and inordinate love will die. •